Local artisans in Milagros, Masbate proudly showcase their handcrafted products during the Skills Training and Capability Building Activity, a joint initiative by DSWD Bicol SLP and the MSF, aimed at enhancing their livelihood opportunities and fostering sustainable community growth.

MASBATE, PHILIPPINES — The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Bicol, through its Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP), in partnership with the Masbate School of Fisheries (MSF), is making significant strides in empowering local artisans in Milagros, Masbate. Through Capability Building Activities, the MSF Garments Fashion and Design Sustainable Livelihood Program Association (SLPA) is receiving comprehensive skills training aimed at enhancing the capabilities of its 29 members.

This initiative, supported by a Seed Capital Fund (SCF) of Php 435,000.00, is designed to foster income generation, self-sufficiency, and entrepreneurship within the community. With this SCF, the MSF Garments Fashion and Design SLPA was able to purchase 8 high-speed sewing machines, 2 edging machines, along with basic cutting tools, measuring tools, fabric, and thread, all of which will be used for the production of their products.


The training program not only aims to refine the members’ technical skills in garment fashion and design but also seeks to nurture their creativity and artistic talents.


By equipping members with essential skills and knowledge, the program aims to create opportunities for job creation and community development, contributing to the overall economic growth of Milagros. The training is a crucial step toward empowering individuals to become self-reliant and productive members of society, furthering the SLP’s mission to build resilient communities capable of thriving in the ever-changing economic landscape.


The partnership between DSWD Bicol and MSF highlights a shared commitment to sustainable development, ensuring that the benefits of this program extend beyond individual participants to impact the wider community positively. As these artisans develop their skills and harness their creativity, they are not only enhancing their livelihoods but also contributing to the cultural and economic vibrancy of Milagros.###