SLPAs in Albay marked the launch of their community retail stores with a total Seed Capital Fund of PHP 485,000. The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Bicol’s Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) continues to empower communities through livelihood opportunities that drive economic growth and enhance food security in Albay.

LEGAZPI CITY, ALBAY – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Bicol has unveiled two major livelihood projects in Albay through its Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP), with a combined Seed Capital Fund (SCF) of PHP 485,000.


The Galicia Rice & Feeds SLP Association in Rapu-Rapu and the PAUSWAG SLP Association in Pioduran have recently launched their community retail stores, bolstered by SCFs of PHP 285,000 and PHP 150,000, respectively.


In addition to financial support, SLPA members have undergone capacity-building training, gaining skills in micro-enterprise development, organizational management, and leadership. These sessions have also helped them identify viable livelihood opportunities.


The Galicia Rice & Feeds SLPA aims to improve local food security and create sustainable livelihoods in Rapu-Rapu, addressing challenges related to food supply. Meanwhile, the PAUSWAG SLPA’s new store, which combines rice retailing with frozen food vending, is expected to enhance local economic activity and provide essential goods.


These projects underscore DSWD Bicol’s commitment to economic and social development through the SLP. By empowering local communities and fostering sustainable growth, these initiatives are set to drive meaningful change and bolster regional development.


The turnover ceremonies, attended by local government officials and provincial representatives, highlighted the community’s support and enthusiasm for these new ventures. As these projects move forward, they represent the promise of progress and community transformation, demonstrating the impact of locally-driven solutions supported by DSWD Bicol’s SLP.###