The coastal village of Tiris in Gubat, Sorsogon identified the Mangrove Reforestation as a priority intervention during the first cycle of Kalahi-CIDSS which was the result of their Damage Assessment Needs Analysis (DANA) in 2015.
The increasing intensity and number of typhoons had greatly affected Tiris’ 474 households damaging properties and affecting their livelihood. Strong waves and winds during typhoons continuously destroy their bakawan, Tiris’ natural protection against these threats.
Bakawan is not only a defense against the effects of typhoons but also a source of livelihood for most of its women residents who harvest shells, pawid (mangrove leaves for roofing) and hagnaya for food. Planting more mangroves will also enrich the marine life in Tiris.
Thus, Tiris decided to plant more mangroves to protect their properties, families, and livelihood and definitely, conserve the environment. They got funding from Kalahi-CIDSS which amounted to Php1,640,680.00 with a total of 2,319 beneficiaries.
The residents of Tiris had made their contribution to save the environment from Climate Change.
Kalahi-CIDSS is a DSWD program that seeks to help alleviate poverty through community-driven development (CDD).