In a simple and peaceful island barangay of Chico, Cawayan, Masbate, lives a woman who dream of a simple contented life, work hard and earn a living for the family.
Life in a place like Chico Island is hard considering that the income of the residents is derive mainly on marine products. The weather condition could not guarantee for a good income especially when the sea is rough.
But for the Lucido family life must go on. “We have to think of other means to be able to provide the needs of the family”, Rosemarie bared. Her husband is a baker of her mother-in-law’s bakery for which he receives a very minimal pay, barely good enough to provide the daily needs of the family. To augment the family income Rosemarie get marine products from big businessman in the area on consignment basis and bring it to Masbate City. Upon return she brings plastic wares and sells it at an affordable cost in their barangay.
When the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program was introduced in 2009, the Lucido family were among those who qualified for the program. With the 500 pesos cash grant for health and nutrition and the 300 pesos educational grant, the family is grateful for having been included in the program.
Before the program came to their lives, Rosemarie and her husband think that their children might stop studying for the meantime to give way to the elder siblings who are in higher level. But because of the program, the family can now see that their lives are better than before. Rosemarie was also elected as a parent leader.
Another blessing which the family consider is when the Self-Employment Assistance- Kaunlaran Program came to the Barangay. Upon thorough assessment by Lorena Morado, Project Development officer, Rosemarie is among those who qualified for the program.
Rosemarie shared that when she was invited to join the SEA-K she is afraid as it is not her habit to barrow money. When her prospective co-members explained that the program is different, she felt scared of the thought that she might be in jail if she fails to pay the money barrowed. But the persistence of her friend changed her mind; and finally became an active member of SEA-Kaunlaran Association of Chico, and was even elected as the association’s treasurer.
After a thorough skills enhancement on Basic Business Management, Rosemarie was granted a capital assistance of 10,000 pesos. The amount was invested in her hog fattening project. Despite of the problems and obstacles which paved her way as a Parent- Leader and as treasurer of SEA-K Association, Rosemarie handles her responsibilities and was able to manage her project well. She regularly attends to meetings and sees to it that she is able to pay her monthly dues.
From the monthly cash grant received from the Pantawid Pamilya Program and the profit she got from the livelihood program, Rosemarie was able to set an amount for their savings.
Being determined to improve their lives, the Lucido’s never stop to look for other means to augment the family’s income. With this, the couple invested in hog fattening and in money courier service; the SMART PADALA.
Because of hard work, endurance and perseverance and having God as the center of their life, the Lucido’s are now able to improve their living.
Looking back, with a teary eyed, Rosemarie shared the hardships that the family have gone through. From the education of their children, attending to their health needs and simply the provision of the daily needs of the family. “Lisud kaayo san buhay namon” (Life was really tough).
Through the poverty alleviation program of the government; the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program and the Self-Employment Assistance Kaunlaran, the Lucido can now say that their lives are better than before. The education of the children has now become possible and the provision of health and nutrition reaches them. From a house made of light materials, the family is now able to build a sturdy shelter. A house which they can call a home. A home which is filled with love, peace, and unity.
Rosemarie can now say that with the support from the government and the help of her family she was able to successfully realize her simple dreams.###Giellie Margallo/Evelyn Jerusalem