Belen III,NHTS-PR Regional Field Coordinator during the pilot testing of data monitoring in Baras, Catanduanes
The National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) of the Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office 5 keeps an eye on the use of the data statistics released in the region.
The data monitoring which started last March 15, 2013 aimed to guard the proper utilization of the data as well as ensuring that it will be utilized according to its purpose.
As a result, it was noted that most of the data shared with the Local Government Units (LGU’s) were lodged at the Municipal Social Welfare Office and Municipal Planning and Development Office which the latter used for the preparation of bottom-up planning/budgeting. Likewise, MSWDO’s were able to utilize the data in the preparation of the Social Protection and Development Report (SPDR).
The shared data is an output of the 2009 enumeration in which 461,242 households in Bicol region were identified as poor.
Presently, the National Household Targeting Unit (NHTU) has provided statistics data to 90 LGU’s while 6 LGU’s and 2 NGO’s inked into a memorandum of agreement.
The National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) is an information management that identifies who and where the poor are. It is intended for the national government agencies, private sector and civil society groups which provides social protection programs to the poor.###crbarrameda