To build a strong trademark and recall to the country’s targeting system, the Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office 5 has recently launched LISTAHANAN as the new brand name for National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR).
“Listahanan” according to DSWD Regional Director Arnel B. Garcia is a combination of two-words namely; “Listahan”(list) and “Tahanan”(house/home) which accurately describes what the tool is all about.”
Aside from its novel name, a new tagline and logo was also pronounced.
“The tagline “Talaan ng Pamilyang Nangangailangan” defines the project as an initiative to establish a list of poor families in need of assistance from social protection programs. The red checkmark in the logo symbolizes accuracy and correctness which describes to the data that the project generates through the household assessment, “Garcia explained.
Although the project has changed its name, Listahanan still aims to identify who and where the poor are.
Meanwhile, the agency continuously promotes the database to different stakeholders in order for them to have access to the list of poor households which will serve as their basis in the implementation of their pro-poor programs.
To date, DSWD 5 has a total of 16 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with various organizations; 7 Local Government Units (LGU’s), 2 Provincial Government, 1 Congressional District, 2 Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s), and 4 National Government Agencies (NGA’s)###crbarrameda