The team effort of the DSWD finance people has been proven to be effective in facilitating the reconciliation of the fund release to Field Offices versus Central Office records, the Closing of Books of Accounts and the preparation of the year-end financial statement for timely submission to oversight agencies, hence the conduct of Annual National Conference Workshop, held at Hotel Ellis, Legazpi City on January 19- 25.
In attendance to this workshop are 180 finance officers from the DSWD Central Office and 17 Field Offices throughout the country.
The activity aims to: a. update the participants on the recent developments and integral guidelines of the Department and issuances from the oversight agencies and; b. to reconcile allotment obligations incurred and disbursement from programs/projects/activities for all funds vis-à-vis Financial Accountability Reports.
More so, given the increasing budget of the Department for the implementation of one of the major program of the present administration, the Financial Management Service plays a vital role for the efficient and economical management of financial resources, provide management information for fiscal decisions and the evaluation and analysis of the operating performance of various responsibility center of the Department.
Regional Director Arnel B. Garcia said that primary duty of the finance to have timely submission of reports and to render an accounting of all the financial transactions and continuously improve its operation to effectively carry out the mandate of the department.###eejerusalem