Accomplishments and 2022 Thrusts and Priorities during the State of the Region Address
DSWD Field Office V conducted the first State of the Region Address (SORA) last February 24,
2022 in Legazpi City, with its goal of strengthening partnerships by bridging the gaps to further
enhance the impact of the Department’s programs and services towards its beneficiaries. DSWD envisions that all Filipinos are free from hunger and poverty, have equal access to opportunities, enabled by a fair, just, and peaceful society, hence the need for all programs and services to be delivered with quality, prompt and compassionate service, with utmost accountability and reliability, especially in this time of pandemic.
The SORA, presented by OIC-Regional Director Leo L. Quintilla, CESE, is an avenue in putting
across the programs and services through the 2021 Accomplishments, and the Thrusts and
Priorities that will steer the department’s directions for the year 2022 to help align directions with partner stakeholders as catalysts of these changes. Partners from the Local Government Units (LGU), National Government Agencies (NGA), Civil Society Organizations (CSO), Social
Welfare and Development Agencies (SWDA), and partners from the press attended the event
2021 Accomplishments and 2022 Thrusts and Priorities
Noteworthy accomplishments for the year 2021 are as follows: (1) DSWD’s achievement of
Performance Governance System Proficiency Level – Silver Trailblazer Awardee, (2) DSWD
Region V’s ISO certification, (3) Prime HRM Bronze Award by Civil Service Commission, (4)
DSWD Region V’s award as the 1 st region to complete Social Amelioration Program (SAP) 2 Emergency Subsidy Program and the Livelihood Assistance Grant payout, and (5) Level III Accreditation of Regional Rehabilitation Center for Youth.
Programs and services accomplishment for the year 2021 were also discussed. Further, 2022
Thrusts and Priorities, as the guide for the formulation of strategic contributions, work and
financial plan, office performance contracts and operational guidelines for program
implementation in the context of the new normal, was also presented. The agency’s Thrusts
include: (1) Sustain the implementation of the SULONG Recovery Plan as interim towards
pandemic recovery, (2) Tailor-fit Social Welfare Technical Assistance and Resource
Augmentation to LGUs in line with the devolution under the Mandanas’ Ruling, (3) Implement
Full Devolution of Social Welfare Services to the LGU, (4) Improve Social Case Management
Implementation particularly for the 4Ps clients, (5) Formulate the DSWD Rationalization Plan to
improve performance and align organizational structures, (6) Continue Achievements in Ease of
Doing Business as a result of streamlining and standardization as evidenced by Departmentwide ISO 9001 Certification, and (7) Roll-out and Institutionalize the Enterprise Risk
DSWD’s Priorities include, but is not limited to the following: (1) Achieve 100% ISO Certification
on the services based on new normal of all offices to be led by the General Administrative and
Support Services Group, (2) Conduct periodic review, enhancement and development of
policy/ies for continuous operations using Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) as reference to
be led by the Disaster Response and Management Group (DRMG) and the Operations Group
using various scenarios, (3) Implement a Communication Strategy based on the DSWD
Devolution Transition Plan to be led by the Office of Secretary Group, (4) Ensure that the
Listahanan 3 results are utilized internally making the database interoperable with existing
DSWD case management systems and externally, (5) Strengthen Monitoring and Evaluation
(M&E) capacity of all program management offices to set realistic targets and produce reliable
data for effective planning, programming, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation, (6) Strengthen
the implementation of the Enhanced Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (EPAHP) Program
in support to the Zero Hunger Program of the Government, (7) Support the implementation of
the Aid and Humanitarian Operations Nationwide Convergence Program pursuant to Executive
Order No. 137, series of 2021, (8) Develop a Social Protection Program for Teenage Mothers
and their Children to be led by SCBG, (9) Finalize the DSWD Central Office and Field Office
structure by 1st Semester 2022, to be led by the Devolution Transition Committee – Sub
Committee on Workforce Enhancement, (10) Issue and implement DSWD guidelines on the
grant of compensation-related Magna Carta Benefits to Public Social Workers (RA 9433) by 1st
Semester of 2022, to be led by the Technical Working Group on Magna Carta for PSWs, (11)
Strengthen DSWD Social Welfare and Development Learning Institute (SWDLI), roll out of the
Learning Management Systems and make the Knowledge Portal accessible to be led by SCBG,
(12) Strengthen cooperation and coordination with Attached and Supervised Agencies to ensure
harmonization of programs and policies to be led by designated Coach Monitors, (13) Conduct
quarterly monitoring and assessment of fund management of Programs and Regional Offices by Cluster Heads and Coach Monitors, (14) Ensure 100% budget utilization rate (obligation and
disbursement) for continuing and current budget allocation, (15) Ensure PGS Institutionalization
by December 2022 to be led by the Office for Strategy Management with full assistance from the Office of the Secretary, PGS Core Team and PGS Focal Persons, (16) Ensure harmonization
and alignment of PGS with DSPMS, Risk Management and ISO-9001:2015 Quality
Management System Requirements, (17) Conduct strategic risk assessment and process review and documentation to be led by the Risk Management Office (RMO) under Policy and Plans Group, (18) Implement the DSWD GAD Agenda 2020-2025 to ensure gender mainstreaming effort of the Department in compliance with the RA 9710 otherwise known as the Magna Carta of Women to be led by the DSWD GAD Technical Working Group.
DSWD Region V extends its heartfelt appreciation to the unwavering support and commitment of partner stakeholders amidst the pandemic.