Legazpi City- The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
Field Office V through the National Household Targeting System for Poverty
Reduction (NHTS-PR) recommences the encoding activities of the remaining
validated Household Assessment Forms (HAFs) to finish the Listahanan 3
validation and finalization phase.
A total of fifty (50) encoding staff are being engaged to encode the 177,783
household assessment forms (HAFs).
Based on the Operations Management Report System Data, 141,031 HAFs or
76.04% of its total number were already encoded and verified in Bicol Region
as of December 26, 2021.
These encoding and verification activities will pass through consistency
checking and validation routines before the Household Assessment Form
(HAF) is endorsed for Proxy Means Test (PMT) processing.
PMT is a statistical model that approximates family income based on
observable and verifiable indicators of the family’s income such as access to
basic services and facilities (e.g., water and electricity), ownership of assets,
and materials used in the housing structure.
The estimated household income based on the PMT is compared to the
existing provincial threshold set by the Philippine Statistics Authority.
Households with income falling below the poverty threshold are considered
“poor” while households whose income are above the threshold are tagged as
Relative to this, DSWD FO V NHTS assures the public that the resumption of
Listahanan activities in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic strictly follows
health protocols which includes the mandatory wearing of masks, physical
distancing, proper hygiene and/or washing hands, among others.
The results of the Listahanan 3 is expected to be released in the early quarter
of 2022, during the national and regional launch wherein private and public
stakeholders are invited to participate in the Data Sharing.
Listahanan is an information management system that identifies who and
where the poor are in the country. By providing a unified criterion, it makes the
database of poor households available as basis for identifying potential
beneficiaries of social protection programs and services. ###