In response to the need to capacitate the Child Representatives of the Provincial Council for the
Protection of Children (PCPC) in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities in the committees, the
child representatives of the Regional Sub-Committee for the Welfare of Children (RSCWC) and
Regional Juvenile Justice Welfare Council (RJJWC) led its 1st quarter online meeting on March
12, 2022, via Zoom. The said activity focused on the following agenda: a.) consultation with the
participants on the creation of a group chat for easy communication and consultation of issues
and concerns of children; b.) understanding child participation rights, and c.) sharing of
accomplishments for the last quarter of 2021.
The learning session on child participation rights was explained by Mr. Jaypee L. Mapula, RSW
of EDUCO in which he emphasized its importance that children have the right to freely express
their views. He also clarified to the participants that the duty bearers have an obligation to listen
to children’s views and to facilitate their participation in all matters affecting them within their
families, schools, local communities, public services, institutions, government policies, judicial
process, and in other public spaces where there are children.
Further, RSCWC Bicol believes that children can play a substantial role of being agents of
transformation with the capability to engage in the decision-making processes, in accordance
with their evolving capacities and gradually increasing autonomy. When children and young
people learn to communicate opinions, take responsibility, and make decisions, they will develop a sense of belongingness, justice, responsibility, and solidarity.
With these quarterly engagements with children, which will be conducted every Saturday of the
last month of every quarter, RSCWC Bicol is ready to face the new frontiers of child participation
which is to be capacitated and involved in various concerns. As our organization grows in its understanding and practice of participation and representative voice, we have developed a
strategic direction to improve our ways of working, define new goals, and overcome new challenges.
One of the core principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
is the right to participation. Child participation is the process by which children freely express
their views and opinion to positively influence decision-making which affects their lives in the
family, community, school, child-care institutions, governance, media, and in other public spaces
where there are children. It recognizes children as active actors in our society, who should be
given opportunities to express their views, influence decision-making, and contribute towards
societal change.
Within the Philippine legal framework, the concept of child participation pre-dates the UNCRC.
The 1974 Child and Youth Welfare Code state that every child has the responsibility to
“participate actively in civic affairs and in the promotion of general welfare”. It further established the Council for Welfare of Children (CWC) as the main coordination body on the promotion and
protection of the welfare of children. Pursuant to Executive Order No. 2333, representation of the children’s sector in the CWC Board was mandated.
Recognizing this, the DILG has issued several memoranda circulars to guide LGUs on the
establishments of LCPCs through the years. One of which is the MC 2021-039 dated April 07,
2021stated that the child representative is one of the members of the Provincial Council for the
Protection of Children (PCPC) with specified criteria during the selection. The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), as the chair of the attached
agency on the Council for the Welfare of Children, ensures compliance to child participation
framework and standards.
Written by: Ana Marie B. Binamira-Telimban, RSW (CWC Regional Coordinator)