From Beneficiary to a Champion of Hope: Roxanne Gil’s Journey with AICS

Angel in Red Vest. Roxanne Gil, SWO from CIS-AICS Tigaon Satellite Office serves as the paymaster during Ayuda sa Kapos Ang Kita Program (AKAP) Payout in Ocampo, Camarines Sur.   Roxanne Gil’s inspiring journey from an educational assistance beneficiary to a dedicated Social Welfare Officer II at the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) continue reading : From Beneficiary to a Champion of Hope: Roxanne Gil’s Journey with AICS

DSWD Bicol gives educational assistance to children of vulnerable sectors in Libmanan, Camarines Sur

HAPPY TO SERVE. Hazel Ann Quismorio, from DSWD Bicol AICS, diligently counts cash in front of beneficiaries, ensuring every recipient receives the exact amount they deserve. LIBMANAN, CAMARINES SUR – The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Bicol, through its Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) program, provided assistance to students belonging to continue reading : DSWD Bicol gives educational assistance to children of vulnerable sectors in Libmanan, Camarines Sur

DSWD Bicol extends help to former rebels’ dependents in Sorsogon

Sustained whole of nation approach. DSWD Bicol AICS Program staff from Sorsogon Satellite Office interviews a former rebel common law partner as part of the process in availing their daughther’s educational assistance. As one of the lead agencies in the implementation of the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program or E-CLIP under Executive Order No.70, series continue reading : DSWD Bicol extends help to former rebels’ dependents in Sorsogon