Nico Cañaveral Allorde, a board passer in the licensure examination for mechanical engineers, was a former beneficiary of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) and has now become an engineer. 

The department takes pride in the accomplishments of this person, who hails from a single-parent household under the care of Mrs. Venus C. Allorde, an active Set 6-A 4Ps beneficiary in Batang, Ligao City.

Nico is described by his mother as a remarkably kind and responsible son. He has consistently excelled academically from his early years in preparatory school through college. While pursuing his college education in Bicol University, he received support as a Department of Science and Technology (DOST) scholar, significantly aiding their family, particularly after his father’s passing from kidney failure complications in 2022.

The death of his father motivated Nico to intensify his academic efforts and complete his studies to contribute to supporting his family, especially his brother who is battling heart disease. To generate income for the family, he engaged in paid online gaming while studying. The earnings from this were allocated towards his educational expenses, with the other half shared with his mother to meet their daily necessities.

Then, the family relied on his father as the breadwinner; however, when his father’s health prevented him from working, his mother assumed full responsibility and had to seek employment to meet the family’s needs. She works as a cleaner at Gold Crest Aviary, Inc. After graduating, Nico secured a job as a machinist at Supra, earning Php 425.00 per day. He gives his earnings to his mother to support his siblings’ schooling and brother’s medical expenses.

Despite being employed, they have been unable to discontinue their membership in the program due to his brother’s health condition. He has heart enlargement requiring regular medical check-ups and medications. Hence, they have decided that once Nico establishes a stable source of income, they will voluntarily withdraw from the program.

As to the mother, Mrs. Venus was a former parent leader from 2012 to 2018. In 2018, due to the increasing needs of their household, she needed to work since the needs of their family were growing, so she gave up her position in 4Ps. According to her, it was a fun and learning experience to be of help to her members. She taught her members how to fill out the updated grievance forms. It enhanced her leadership, socialization, and communication skills.

Currently, the household has two monitored beneficiaries, Cedrick and Shaina, who are enrolled in Grades 11 and 10 at Ligao National High School in Ligao City, respectively. Both beneficiaries are compliant with the program’s requirements. Initially labeled as non-compliant, they have since transitioned to active status.

Nico serves as an inspiration not only to his siblings but also to the families in their community, particularly the young members of 4Ps. Despite facing numerous life challenges, Nico and his family have succeeded in achieving their dreams and maintaining hope that life will improve through trust and hard work.

Indeed, success is similar to climbing a ladder, one step at a time, overcoming challenges on the path to success. Without perseverance, resilience, and patience, dreams remain out of reach. As Nanay Venus and Nico often emphasize, “TIYAGA LANG,” signifying that with perseverance alone, our dreams will manifest in God’s perfect timing.