DSWD warns LGUs against false KALAHI CIDSS expansion representatives

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) warns local chief executives (LCEs) and other government officials against people falsely identifying themselves as employees or representatives of DSWD negotiating for KALAHI CIDSS-NCDDP (Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services-National Community-Driven Development Program). Reports have reached the Department that there are individuals continue reading : DSWD warns LGUs against false KALAHI CIDSS expansion representatives

DSWD urges full LGU support to community-driven development projects

DSWD FO V Dir. Arnel Garcia discusses the regional target of KALAHI CIDSS project in front of local government officials headed by their mayors last May 13, 2014 during the Regional Accountability Reporting in Legazpi City. The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office V Director Arnel Garcia urged the local government units continue reading : DSWD urges full LGU support to community-driven development projects

Official press statement of DSWD on alleged procurement issues attributed to KALAHI CIDSS project

The DSWD would like to address the alleged issues emanating from the procurement activities of KALAHI CIDSS project in the province of Albay. The provincial local government unit (LGU) of Albay currently leads in the implementation of KALAHI CIDSS, a pilot project in Luzon. As a poverty-reduction project implemented in Bicol since 2003, one unique feature of KALAHI CIDSS continue reading : Official press statement of DSWD on alleged procurement issues attributed to KALAHI CIDSS project

Partnership against hunger and poverty launched

The provincial government of Camarines Norte has launched recently the Partnership against Hunger and Poverty (PAHP) held at Sto. Domingo, Vinzons, Camarines Norte. The pilot implementation covers the Provincial Government of Camarines Norte, Castilla Sorsogon and 3rd Congressional District of Camarines Sur. As explained by DSWD Director Arnel Garcia, the Partnership against Hunger and Poverty continue reading : Partnership against hunger and poverty launched

First ABSNET general assembly held

Naga City – The fist ABSNET Provincial General Assembly in Camarines Sur was held on May 12, 2014 at People’s Hall, City Hall Compound Naga City. ABSNET or the Area-Based Standard Network has an end goal to institutionalize partnership with the SWDAs, NON- Government Organizations (NGOs) and People’s Organization (Pos) who are registered, licensed and continue reading : First ABSNET general assembly held